Over the course of your pet's life, you will visit the vet countless times. Most frequently for routine exams where you will be able to discuss any concern you may have. Here, our Madison veterinary team talks about some of the common questions clients ask our vets to help you prepare for your visit and get the most out of your pet's routine exam.
What are some common questions for vets?
Knowing what questions to ask your vet can help you feel better prepared and ensure that you don't forget to discuss anything during your pet's routine exam. Having your veterinary questions prepared (written down if necessary) provides you with the opportunity to get all the information you need to care for your cat or dog to keep them happy and healthy.
Below the vets at our Madison animal hospital share some of the common questions you should ask your vet.
Typical Questions to Ask a Veterinarian
Is my cat or dog due for any booster shots?
Vaccines are crucial for the ongoing, life-long care of your beloved companion. Various serious and even life-threatening diseases can be prevented with the help of routine vaccinations. The vets at our Madison vet clinic always do their best to inform you when your pet is due for their booster shots however, it can sometimes be overlooked so it's always best to ask.
Should I schedule my cat or dog for a dental cleaning or exam?
Routine dental care is a critical component of cats' and dogs' oral and overall health, but most pets don't get the oral hygiene care they need to keep their teeth and gums healthy.
At our Madison veterinary hospital, we provide complete dental care for your pet including dental exams, teeth cleanings, polishing and surgeries.
We are also happy to educate pet parents on the dental care needs of their cats and dogs.
Is my cat or dog behaving normally?
Your pet may occasionally display strange behaviors. This can be itching, coughing, or just plain acting weirdly. Always take note of these behaviors and ask your vet about them because they will be able to tell you if there is an underlying condition. You should also try to provide as much information as you can for when and where your pet was bitten or picked up by the pest. This will help your vet with their diagnosis.
Does my cat or dog need any weight management?
Monitoring your cat or dog's weight can be difficult at times. After all how exactly can you tell if they are underweight or overweight? Pets of every breed and age have their own specific weight guidelines they have to maintain to live healthy lives. Even a few extra pounds over or underweight can put your pet at risk for various health conditions (some are life-threatening), making this a very important question. If your cat or dog isn't at a healthy weight your veterinarian will help you establish a diet and exercise plan to help your pet get back to a healthy weight.
Am I feeding my pet a healthy diet?
All pets have specific nutritional needs including a balance of protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals and water. When choosing a food for your cat or dog, you will need to look into the components of the food to ensure that it will meet the individual needs of your pet.
One of the questions that you can ask your vet is if the food you feed your cat or dog is suited to their needs. Because your pet's needs will be changing constantly, it is ideal to discuss their diet at least once yearly.
How can I help my cat or dog exercise?
Exercise is crucial for your pet to stay strong and healthy, both physically and mentally. The type and amount of exercise that your pet needs will vary depending on the type of pet you have, their age and breed. Your vet will be able to help you determine how my energy your pet needs to burn each day and can also offer some recommendations for types of exercises that your pet will enjoy.
Do you need to perform any diagnostic tests like bloodwork today?
Diagnostic testing not only helps your vet to monitor the ongoing health of your pet but can also indicate when your companion is experiencing a health concern. Because pets are unable to use words to express what they feel, these tests become vital. Your vet can use diagnostic tests to determine the issue at hand and begin treating it quickly.
Is my pet due for any preventive care for fleas or ticks?
Fleas and ticks are a valid concern for many pet owners. These pests can easily come into contact with your pet every time you bring them outside and can cause a variety of serious diseases. With so many different products available it can be hard to know which one would be best for you and your pet. Luckily, your veterinarian will be able to recommend or prescribe a prevention product that will work best for your furry companion.
What are the items that make up my bill?
Feel free to always ask for a breakdown of the cost of your bills. Your veterinarian will be able to explain what each fee represents, to give you a better understanding of the services provided. It can also give you an idea of what to expect on your next visit.
Note: The advice provided in this post is intended for informational purposes and does not constitute medical advice regarding pets. For an accurate diagnosis of your pet's condition, please make an appointment with your vet.